Plastic free shaving


For decades, daily disposable razors proved hugely popular. Nowadays, every mainstream shave brand uses plastic parts in their razors and shave products. Yet as the world wakes up to the long-term cost of short-term plastic, having single-use products made with plastic is simply not viable. 

Zero waste and plastic free bathroom productsPLASTIC FREE SHAVING PRODUCTS

Shaving doesn’t need plastic. With metal safety razors, shaving soap or foam, and skin oils carried in glass bottles, your entire shave experience can be plastic-free. Our range of skincare and shave products includes shaving oils, lotions, skin washes and razor blades. Our customers get wonderful products, great skin, a clean shave all over their face and body, and none of the plastic waste.

Eco friendly shaving productsWHY BRANDS STILL USE PLASTIC

There is no product reason why plastic is needed for saving, razors, shave oils, balms or lotions. We think there are advantages to making these products from metal, and storing oils in brown glass. Brown or amber glass is highly effective at protecting from UV radiation, which is damaging to the natural ingredients contained in some products.  Kairn shave oils contain both natural oils and essential oils, so it is our preferred choice to maintain their quality for longer.  

But other brands continue to use plastics – whether single-use or reusable, from new or even ocean recycled plastic – purely for cost reasons. Sure enough, the bottles look attractive on shelf, and being squeezy helps with getting the product out, but as our products show, you can still have great looking shaving products without plastic. Yet sadly this isn't what the rest of the world of shaving is doing...


In addition to plastic-free bottles, we have also built our entire range to be plastic-free. The packaging and shipping materials we use are all from sustainable or recycled sources. They are recyclable or compostable, as are the labels on our bottles.

We've chosen to also use aluminium lids instead of plastic ones. These are locally recyclable and further minimise the environmental impact of our packaging.  Presently we have to use a tiny rubber seal within the lid to protect the products from our factory to your home, but we're working on ways to remove this as soon as a product solution becomes viable. 

The only razors we sell are made exclusively from metal materials. To prolong the life of razors and razor blades, we have developed the patent-pending Blaidmat. This domestic leather strop comes plastic-free in premium leather, and helps clean and sharpen any domestic razor. Including plastic razors. 

Our view is that people are free to choose whatever products they want, but we will work to make each product more sustainable, and last as long as possible - even plastic razors. 

Whilst we accept that it costs us more, we know that it's the right thing to do for the long term. Click here to view our plastic-free shaving range

Plastic free shaving